Phone: 830-3572793
Degrees and Certifications:
BA in Science Education from Central Methodist College. I am certified in Texas for Life Science, Composite Science, ESL.
Mrs. Peggy Fisher
Hello, I am Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Fisher teaches Astronomy and Honors Biology.. Mrs. Fisher has been in the Boerne School district since 2005. Mrs. Fisher graduated from Central Methodist College (University) with a degree in Science Education. I enjoy showing the students the many facets of the living world and what causes things to change or fluctuate in the living setting. This year I will be taking on the exploration of space as Boerne ISD begins offering Astronomy. When there is time away from school, Mrs. Fisher loves to be underwater scuba diving. I have been diving at most of the local lakes and several of the rivers. However, I prefer clear, warm tropical waters. Flying around the Texas Hill Country or to see our grown children in various parts of the United States is another hobby, Mrs. Fisher and her husband enjoy in our private WWII vintage airplane. We look forward to our annual trip each summer to Wisconsin for Airventure. All assignments and information can be accessed through Google Classroom and all students should have the codes and be able to access their specific classroom. I prefer to be contacted via email and will, under normal circumstances, will try to reply within 24-48 hours.