Class Expectations & Policies

  • Be...SMART!!!

    • Stay off all electronic devices during class time, unless I state otherwise for educational purposes.
    • Make SAFETY a priority! An industrial kitchen is fun (but it can be very dangerous).
    • Actively participate in class activities, projects, and discussions.
    • Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and school property at all times.
    • Try your best! Your continued effort goes a long way.


    This means I have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for horseplay or dangerous activities. 


    Grading Policy

    In accordance with our campus’ Career and Technical Education (CTE) grading policy, my grading policy will be as follows…


    50% = Minor Grades (Labs, Daily Activities)

    50% = Major Grades (Tests, Projects, Kitchen Assessments)

    Grades will be posted in a timely manner and made available on Skyward for your viewing. If you should have a question about your student’s grade(s), please email me. I will gladly give you a call to answer any questions or concerns you may have.


    Google Classroom

    In efforts to clearly communicate with students, I utilize Google Classroom. A daily agenda will be posted on Google Classroom in the CLASS RESOURCES FOLDER with links to missed assignments, recipes, and presentations. This system also allows me to post announcements & reminders of deadlines/tests/important dates and pass along helpful documents/videos. It is a great communication tool! Students will be expected to join my Google Classroom and will be given the class code in class & on the class syllabus. 


    Absence Policy

    When a student is absent, it is their responsibility to check the DAILY AGENDA available on Google Classroom. You, the parent, may view our daily agenda on my teacher website under Class Resources. Students will have 7 DAYS to make up any missing assignments or tests that were missed due to an absence. Paper copies of missed work will be available to students upon request.


    Late Work Policy

    It is my expectation that students complete their work on time. Ample time is given for work to be completed; therefore, it is rare for an issue of late work to occur. However, if a student does submit an assignment after the due date, it is our policy that the highest grade that a student may receive on the assignment is 70%.