• What you say in the Counseling Office....Stays in the Counseling Office!


    In order to build a relationship and trust with our students, what is discussed in individual counseling remains confidential!  What information needs to be told to parents/guardians, other helping-professionals and/or school officials?



    • Harm to Yourself

    • Harm to Other People

    • Sexual Contact / Pregnancy

    • Threats to School Safety

    • Information requested by a valid subpoena (Court System)



    If you are needing to see a counselor click on the COUNSELOR MEETING REQUEST FORM and an email will be sent to your counselor.  Students, must be signed in to their BISD email account to access the form.  Parents wanting to meet or speak with a counselor can contact them directly to set up an appointment.

    If you are at school and are needing IMMEDIATE help go to the Counseling Office, Nurse's Office or find a School Administrator.

    If you are in immediate danger, please dial 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency care facility!

  • TEST ANXIETY is the uneasiness and tension that a child feels before, during, or after a test due to uncertainty or fear of failure. Most children experience some level of anxiety during an exam. A little nervousness can actually motivate a child to study and perform well. However, when anxiety interferes with test taking, causing students to "blank out," have trouble paying attention, and/or limit their ability to think clearly, absorb, retain or recall information, it has become an issue that requires attention.

    Helping Your Child Manage Test Anxiety

    Reducing Test Anxiety

    11 Test Anxiety Tips