Coach Cheves


    Course Description

    This is a course study of the development of United States political, social, and economic growth from reconstruction to current times.  Topics include social and political changes, reform movements, foreign affairs and development as a world power and economic growth & development.  We will also discuss current events and world geography in a globally interdependent world, and how this directly or indirectly impacts the US.  This course is intended to provide each student insight into the impact of technological innovations on the American labor movement, and apply different methods that historians use to interpret the past. Students use critical thinking skills to explain and apply different methods that historians use to interpret the past, including points of view and historical context. 


    Student Expectations

    Students will come to class on time with required materials, and prepared for the day’s lesson(s).  District guidelines and policies regarding attendance, make-up work, dress code, academic honesty and discipline will be followed.


    Major Classroom Rules:

    1. Be On Time
    2. Listen when Coach Speaks
    3. No Cursing or Bad Comments
    4. No Cell Phones
    5. No Food, Drinks , Candy or Gum (exception is water in a sealable container)
    6. Keep Your Hands, Feet & Objects To Themselves
    7. Think Before You Act


    Note Taking

    Each student will take notes from class lectures, group activities, class discussions and presentations as is deemed necessary for individual study.  Want to do well on the tests? –Then take notes!



    Each student will also maintain a Daily Journal & Assignments Spiral Notebook.  A topic relative to the chapter or section being studied will be posted at the start of each day of class. Journal composition will offer students an enhanced learning environment whereby they exercise their written skills, thought processes and self-reflection. 



    Classroom Procedures

    Late Work Is Highly Discouraged.  The only exception would be for an excused absence…if the absence is excused, the work is due when the student returns to class with their absentee slip.  I Do Not Remind Student - It Is The Studens Responsibility.  Inasmuch as missing a class due to school or U.I.L activity is not considered an absence, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain assignments IN ADVANCE.  


    Tests missed due to a legitimate absence from class will be made up on the student’s time within 3 Class Days.  Absences the day before a test are no excuse for a make-up test; the student will therefore take the test on the next scheduled day.  Re-testing is available per Boerne High School policies/procedures (2 Retests per 9 Weeks).



    Computation of Nine Weeks Grades is as follows:


    Daily /Journals/Quizzes:          50%

    Tests/Projects:           50%



    (Semester Avg = 9 weeks grade x 4 

    + Exam Grade (20%)/ 5)