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What you say in the Counseling Office....Stays in the Counseling Office!
In order to build a relationship and trust with our students, what is discussed in individual counseling remains confidential! What information needs to be told to parents/guardians, other helping-professionals and/or school officials?
Harm to Yourself
Harm to Other People
Sexual Contact / Pregnancy
Threats to School Safety
Information requested by a valid subpoena (Court System)
If you are at school and are needing IMMEDIATE help go to the Counseling Office, Nurse's Office or find a School Administrator.
If you are in immediate danger, please dial 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency care facility!
TEST ANXIETY is the uneasiness and tension that a child feels before, during, or after a test due to uncertainty or fear of failure. Most children experience some level of anxiety during an exam. A little nervousness can actually motivate a child to study and perform well. However, when anxiety interferes with test taking, causing students to "blank out," have trouble paying attention, and/or limit their ability to think clearly, absorb, retain or recall information, it has become an issue that requires attention.