Phone: Computer lab phone number -830-357-4672
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Sandy Podwika
I have a total of 25 years of experience teaching. I have been teaching technology for 16 years and have worked for 6 years in the behavior unit/Life Skills (ALE).
KNDL: 7:15-7:45
5th grade: 7:45-8:35
4th Grade: 8:45-9:35
3rd Grade: 9:40-10:30
Lunch: 10:30-11:00
Lunch Duty: 11:00-11:55
Kinder: 12:15-1:05
2nd grade: 1:10-2.00
1st grade: 2:05-2:55
KNDL: 3:00-3:15