

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Don Greenwood

Mr. Greenwood is excited about Kendall Elementary School. He will be a Special Education Inclusion teacher for 4th and 5th Math.  He has taught for 22 years and holds a Bachelor of Science degree from UTSA with certifications in Physical Education and Special Education. He is passionate about empowering students and helping all to develop their full potential. He is also aware of the high standards that come with working with students with all types of needs, and it will be a wonderful chance working at Kendall Elementary School. 

Mr. Greenwood loves to ride his motorcycle. He lives in Bulverde with his wife, who is a third grade teacher who has taught for 24 years. They have three dogs. He has two step-daughters who have grown up and are out on their own. His hobbies include spending time with his wife and family and going on vacations. Mr. Greenwood and his wife have been to 49 of the 50 states.  Can you guess which State they have not been to yet?