

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Fedor

I am very excited to join Kendall Elementary and Boerne ISD. We have family in the area and have vacationed her for years! It took us a little while to get here, but we finally made it! I am married, have two grown daughters, a son-in-law, two dogs, and a horse named Jerry.  I love to play games with my family and friends, enjoy activities outdoors, and love to ride Jerry. 

After teaching for 6 years, I was a stay at home mom when the kids were very young. During that time we made our way to Texas for my husband’s job and have called it home ever since.  When it was time to continue my teaching career, I taught in Special Education where I realized I had a love for teaching Kindergarten. I transitioned into the Kindergarten classroom 5 years ago and feel blessed to continue my 6th year as a Kendall Knight!