Kindergarten Reminders

  • melonheadz school - Buscar con Google | Melonheadz clipart, Free clip art,  Melonheadz     Kindergarten Helpful Reminders! 

    · Send a healthy, non-messy snack, every day(Graham crackers, apple slices, grapes, cheese sticks, goldfish, applesauce pouches, etc. are perfect! Oranges, fruit cups, cheetohs, etc. are all very messy and make a mess on our desks and work.)

    · Make sure you have practiced opening and closing any snacks and snack containers.

    · Send a spill-proof water bottle each day, labeled with first and last name.  Only WATER is allowed.

    · Label EVERYTHING with first and last name.

    · Lunch Boxes - practice opening and closing, as well as opening ziplock baggies, any containers you may send, drinks, drink pouches, etc.)

    · Send in a jacket—it gets chilly in our room.

    Each month I will send out a CAMP (computer, art, music, pe) calendar.  PE is every other day.  Students MUST wear closed-toe tennis shoes on PE days.