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External Research Requests
Research Process
Boerne ISD supports high-quality research contributing to the field of education. However, the District has moral and legal obligations requiring the oversight of external research projects utilizing District resources such as facilities and the time of employees and students.
In order to conduct any research (this also includes any distribution of surveys to students, parents, teachers, and staff) at Boerne ISD, the research request submission process must be completed online using the Online Research Request Study Submission Form. A review committee can take up to 4-6 weeks to review and process submitted research requests.
Please note: The District will not collect data on behalf of or provide data to a researcher or research organization. It is the responsibility of the researcher or research organization to collect their own data. To view or request existing data the District normally collects and has readily available, please submit a Public Information Request.
Any individual from an external organization interested in conducting research must submit a research request during the designated window. No exceptions will be made.
Request window: The Boerne ISD District Research Review Committee shall convene two formal meetings during the school year for the purpose of reviewing research requests: June and September. Requests must be received by the dates below to be reviewed.
Research Timelines/Windows
Research can only be conducted during the following timelines:
Fall Semester
September 9, 2024 to December 6, 2024
Fall Research Requests must be submitted by June 1, 2024.
Spring Semester
January 13, 2025 to April 4, 2025
Spring Research Requests must be submitted by January 1, 2025.
A research request that meets the following criteria may be considered for approval:
The Request for Research submission process is complete.
The following information is required from all research proposals:
Project Title
Researcher/Primary Investigator
Research question(s)
Background/Study Rationale/Literature Review
Benefit of study to participants and to School District
Burden on study participants and on School District
Timetable to conduct study or data collection activities
Compliance with federal regulations (FERPA-Family Education Rights Privacy Act, HIPAA-Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, PPRA-Pupil Rights Amendment)
Plan of action to disseminate findings to district
Reference Page
Additionally, the researcher must submit the following documents: copies of consent and assent forms, research protocols, and copies of instruments.
The project's design, use of instruments, and methodology should be clearly outlined and provided, and a final copy of all instruments that will be used and their source must be submitted
The data collected meets the assumptions of the data analysis. The data analyses test the hypotheses and will lead to interpretable results.
The study must not violate the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).
The study makes provisions for protecting the confidentiality of personal data concerning students, employees, and the school district.
The study is not offensive to the values and standards of Boerne ISD and the community, and does not inquire (in an intrusive manner) into religion, gender, home, or family life. Any research involving controversial, inappropriate, or contentious topics will not be considered. This can include, but is not limited to:
Violence in schools
Childhood obesity
Case studies on product sponsorships
Sex education or other sex-related research topics
Drugs, tobacco, and alcohol
Any topics regarding effectiveness of principal leadership in schools
Any study involving students requires notification to the parent and written consent of the parent or guardian prior to the implementation of the project.
Any study involving access to employee records must be voluntary and requires written consent of the employee.
Active consent forms are required for any survey that falls under The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).
An active consent form should have the following elements:
Background information of the study and description of the survey - specifically where the parent could go to locate the survey should they choose to review it
Length of time to take survey
Statement to ensure child’s privacy
Date permission form is due
Contact information for requestor
Information for parent to fill out:
Child’s name
Child’s grade
Parent signature
Check box (for whether or not permission is granted to participate in the survey)
The study makes minimal interruptions to the regular school program and makes no undue demands upon the time of students, teachers, administrators, or other district personnel.
The study involves no expense to Boerne ISD.
The study does not involve research during the first and/or last month of school as determined by the adopted Boerne ISD calendar.
The study or participation in the study is not scheduled during district-wide testing periods for state assessment or district assessments.
Even if approval to conduct research is granted by the District, participation by individual campuses is left to the discretion of the campus principal. Approval letters from the district are simply an approval to approach a campus.
The district reserves the right to request final results, findings, or reports of the approved research study.
The district reserves the right to terminate an approved research request at any time.
If a District employee has received approval for using Boerne ISD as a research site and their employment is discontinued (resignation, retirement, or termination) while the research is in process, the researcher must resubmit their request to continue using Boerne ISD as a research site.
Process Time
Process Time
Please take into consideration the process time of a request when determining the start date of the research study. Submissions do not mean approval. Requests will be reviewed by the Boerne ISD District Research Review Committee and the request will either be approved or declined at the district level.
Incomplete submissions will not be considered. Any research request with missing information pertinent to the review process such as surveys, interview questions, or proposals will be considered incomplete and therefore not considered or reviewed.
Submission of Requests
Submission of Requests
All individuals, whether District employees or non-District personnel, who wish to conduct research in the District shall complete the following:
- Research Request Submission Form A -Please complete the online submission process to submit Research Requests. Access the online form HERE. Using this form will ensure a quicker turnaround time. Additionally, signatures on the following forms are required to complete the digital form. You should acquire the required signature and upload the forms as attachments to the online submission form.
- Research Agreement [FORM B] - A signed Research Agreement is required in order for the request to be considered. The requester shall sign one copy of the Research Agreement and submit it with all materials to acknowledge receipt of and compliance with the guidelines listed in the agreement. The requestor will receive a copy of this form with notice of approval/denial.
- Research Endorsement [FORM C]-A signed Research Endorsement must be completed for the request to be considered.
- All information must be complete with required support documentation (e.g., copies of survey forms, observation checklists, etc.). If data will be collected on or from individual students, parent/guardian permission will be required and a copy of a parental permission letter must be attached. Incomplete requests will be automatically rejected. The requester shall submit an original and two copies of these documents.
Approval/Denial of Requests
Approval/Denial of Requests
The research request is for district-level approval only. If the research request is approved, Boerne ISD is simply granting permission to proceed in approaching campuses or district personnel. District-level approval to conduct research is not an endorsement or requirement for any personnel of the District to participate. A decision letter will further stipulate any terms and conditions of the approval.
The researcher/primary investigator will be required to present the decision letter to each campus and personnel upon solicitation to request participation. If the research request is not approved, a letter will be sent via email notifying the requestor of the decision.