Phone: 830 357-4843
Degrees and Certifications:
BA Interdisciplinary Studies EC-6 ESL Certification G/T Certification
Mrs. Kimberly Garber
Kim Garber is starting her third year at FORES. She is excited to be teaching first grade this year! Mrs. Garber has spent a majority of her career teaching K-2nd self-contained classes with extensive training in the areas of reading and writing. She has been married for almost 39 years and has 3 grown children. Mrs. Garber is an avid golfer, runner and tennis player and is a big fan of the Houston Astros. She can't wait to welcome the new first grade mustangs to her class!
I am available for conferences or phone calls before or after school, or during my conference time at 1:15-2:05.
Class Schedule-
Morning Announcements-7:35-7:45
Daily Whole Child Morning Class Meetings-7:45-7:55